The Fine Art of China Painting

Porcelain painting, not to be confused with ceramics, is a fine art that has been around for thousands of years. Painting on porcelain pieces of white or ivory color with powered paints that are mixed with mineral oil to the consistancy of tooth paste are applied one layer at a time after each firing in a kiln.
China painting is the sister to watercolors - starting with your lightest to darkest. If you are interested in learning this ancient dying art contact us at wetpaintstudiosofwalden@ We would love to share our knowledge and fellowship with any one interested in this fine art.

Monday, May 23, 2016

New Officers Luncheon

New President of Big Thicket - Marilyn Willis

Out going President - Janett Wartenburg just received gift card for her favorite store - Hobby Lobby!  Thanks Big thicket, you are  the best!  Thanks for all the help, love, laughter, tears, painting  and great food we have shared.  I could not have done it with out you!

Carol Fisk received a few more sunny vibes to keep her smiling as she takes the office of Sunshine.

Jan Wamsley, Treasurer and Helen Turner, Secretary had a great time at Olive Garden, where Big Thicket held their new officers luncheon.  A fun time was had by all.  We missed all of you who were unable to join us.            

Thank you Helen, and husband Ken for all that you do for our club, we  greatly appreciate you both.   

Jan received a hostess gift form our club for so graciously opening her lovely house and in home studio to us for meetings, seminars and painting sessions!  Thanks Jan!

Lois, Publicity will help us finish our daisy plates with raised paste next meeting at Marilyn Willis' Studio. 
We will still have meetings during the summer, our paint brushes just won't be still.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

February Meeting and Long Awaited Seminar Under the Instruction of Lois Blackburne

Springtime Flowers and Colors - Subject for our seminar given by Artist and Teacher - Lois Blackburne

Carol ready to get started!
Lois helping Jan

Linda has a great start for her first fire.

First fire ready to go in the kiln.

Members Display Pieces

Door Prize - Janett

Pansy Pot - Janett
Auction Piece

Tea Pot - Lois
Auction Piece

Artist, Lois Blackburne

Artist Linda Williams

Artist Linda Williams

Seminar in February and March - painting Daisies By Artist and Teacher Lois Blackburne

Big Thicket is so blessed to have such wonderful members and talented people in our PAC.  Lois will be giving a seminar on the above springtime beauty. We can hardly wait to get started at Jan's  home studio where we will paint, learn, laugh and EAT!

January Meeting - Jan Demos Gounding

Jan begins her demo on grounding by instructing us how to mix powder paint with fat oil to paint background of any piece.  First, to protect the painted part you must cover with red resist, a masking liquid.

Red Resist is applied

Black Grounding is applied onto entire background

When grounding is dry, usually takes about 30 minutes, the resist is removed and piece is ready for the kiln

Necklace ready for resist to be removed

Lois has finished and is ready for lunch

Marilyn chose to do a boarder in brilliant blue.  See beautiful results above.

Janett's mug after firing.

Lois' before and after.

Grounding is a wonderful method when you want to cover a mistake, or want a rich background that makes your piece pop!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Big Thicket Celebrates the Season

Big Thicket held their annual Christmas luncheon and auction  December 5.  As president of Big Thicket, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Big Thicket members for  their hard work and time spent before, up to, and during the luncheon.  Many months were put into painting items for the sale table, auction, door prizes and mug exchange.  Not to mention all the work  setting up and taking down of decorations.  Thanks once again Helen and husband Ken Turner for setting up sale table, bookkeeping, sales, and helping with anything else when asked.  Thanks a million Marilyn for taking charge and presiding over the luncheon for me. Jan, thanks ever so much for doing the door prizes and auction.  Lois and Carol, we couldn't have had the mug exchange and visitors numbers without you.  I hope each and every one of you 
enjoyed the day, A lot of hard work and love went into it just for you!

Judy and Marilyn enjoying luncheon in their festive finery

Monday, November 30, 2015

November Meeting at Marilyn's

Marilyn, our lovely hostess for the day, is also showing us how to marbleize!  Thanks for a fun demo. 

Helen is mixing her colors right on the mug for a dramatic affect and royal shade of purple.

Janett chose shading green for marbling.

Lois has her luscious tea pot on display.  This will be one of our auction pieces at our Christmas party - December 3.

She has out done herself with this one!

one of Lois's pieces for artist sale table!

Necklaces by Lois that will also be on sale table.

Beautifully set table ready for our lunch break.  Thanks Marilyn for your gracious hospitality and charming lunch setting.

Table display of Marilyn;'s works, family photos and antique pieces that adorn her lovely table.